Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the Committee of the Queensland Motorcycle Council Inc to be held at the Mitchelton Library on Thursday, 13th June, 2024, at 7:00pm.


  1. Attendance
  2. Apologies
  3. Confirmation of Previous Minutes

Previous meeting of the incorporated association was held at the Mitchelton Library, Mitchelton on Thursday, 9th May 2024, at 7:00pm

  1. Inward and Outward Correspondence
  2. Statement of Accounts
  3. Membership Officer Report
  4. Guest Speakers, Steve Spalding and Loren Turnbull from TMR Safer Road Users & Ride 2 Zero  [30 mins]
  5. Chairperson’s Report
  6. Update on Projects

9.1.  Culture of Driving/Riding,  (GV, MP)  [5 minutes]

9.2.  Lane Filtering,  (JB)  [2 minutes]

9.3.  Making Roads More Motorcycle Friendly,  (GK)  [2 minutes]

  1. General Business

10.1.  QMC Logo Discussion

10.2.  QMC Privacy Policy

10.3.  Update on Grant Application to GCBF,  (DW, JW)  [3 minutes]

10.4.  Discussion regarding QMC Meeting Location,  (RP)  [2 minutes]

  1. Other Business
  2. Next Meeting

Thursday 11th July  2024, 7:00pm at Mitchelton Library

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