What we’ve done, what we’re doing, and what we’d like to do.
Project Framework
The Queensland Motorcycle Council Inc. engages in activities known internally as “Projects”.
• Projects are overseen by our “Program Manager”
• Projects are headed up by a “Project Manager”
• Projects are conducted in an Agile Methodology using the principles of “Prince 2”
Project Structure
The QMC organises its projects around the Safe Systems Framework.
• used by most governments in Australia and around the world.
• allows the QMC to present a structured view of projects that aligns with how governments structure their strategic planning.
View the Project Structure Mind Map. Open here..
Our Current Projects
Lane Filtering
Aspects of the Dept of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) interpretation are incorrect.
Benefits of Motorcycling to the Community
Gather relevant data and information from a range of sources to support the stated benefits of motorcycling to the community.
Adressing the anomalies in the lane filtering rules with TMR and QPS
More details Here.
Culture of Driving/Riding Project
We lose roughly 1100 persons in Australia to road trauma yearly, not to mention the injuries to persons, property and the huge demand for repairs, treatment and the psychological damage inflicted on families and the workplace. The idea is to address this by putting forward ideas and systems…………………..
Our Future Projects
Covid Safe Poker Run /membership drive / charity fundraiser
Qld licensing process review
Our Past Projects
Forming and Incorporating Queensland Motorcycle Council Inc.
Creating branding and promotional material
Parliamentary Enquiry into Road Safety and Vehicle modifications and Standards
Our Achievements to date
Regular meetings with Acting Superintendent Peter Flanders QPS
Regular meetings with Managers and Engineers at TMR
Regular invitations to participate in TMR and QPS events